Wednesday 8 July 2009


Just under a month until we start shooting the film...HOLY SHIT! Anyway, most of the 37 extras that were "200% up for it" can't be arsed to reply to us, so we're not sure how many un-dead we'll have.

Oh yeah, I'm making a short horror film with my friend Cal, based in York, similar vain to 28 Days/Weeks Later, the crazed zombies, not the slow, retarded ones. If we wanted those we could just film in Netto.

Chris who is filming it for us is great, really enthusiastic, knows his stuff, warped sense of humour, perfect. Another Chris and a Clark on the music...too many people to mention right now. We hope it's going to turn out as good as we think it is, we've worked hard and loved every (almost) second of it. Good skills for daaan saaaaf. You have to make your own opportunities, they'll rarely come to you (apart from those people mentioned in earlier post).

Not looking forward to seeing/hearing myself on screen. No one else seems any different, but watching yourself is...urgh, I hate it, man. Hearing yourself is even worse! Was hoping that a certain someone was going to audition from Manchester - totally gorgeous, but he never put his money where his mouth was either. Tart.


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